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FB2 file format

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Apple iBooks
Main programFBReader
DescriptionFictionBook 2.0, created by Dmitry Gribov, was initially introduced in 2004 as an eBook format. Originating from Russia, this format is highly regarded in popularity polls for eBook formats within the country. Unlike other eBook formats that are XML-based, FB2 files stand out for containing only one XML file instead of multiple. Being open-source and lacking digital rights management, FictionBook is preferred by online electronic library communities. Notably, FictionBook is compatible with popular eBook readers due to the ease with which FB2 files can be converted to other formats.
Technical detailsWhile many eBook formats support plain text alone, FB2 files can contain epigraphs, formatted verses, quotations, and other unique tags that are the essence of fictional works. In an effort to maintain the text-only protocol, typical eBook formats omit essential information such as author name and biography, book title, and publisher from the image file that serves as the eBook cover. The structure of FB2 allows for the data mentioned above to be included within the book file itself, providing the experience of reading an actual book. FB2 supports a wide range of character types commonly found in word-processing applications. Thanks to special inline formatting options like bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, sub- and superscript supported by FictionBooks, the file structure includes a Stylesheet that contains relevant data. FB2 files are designed so that the main text content is presented first, giving readers something to read while the rest of the book is loading.
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