Domicile  /  Formats de fichier  /  htm

Le format du fichier HTM

L'extension de .htm
Catégorie de documents
Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Other internet browsers
DescriptionHTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a file format used for creating web pages and other web content. HTML files are plain text files that contain markup tags, which describe the structure and content of the web page.
Détails techniquesHTML files are typically created and edited using a text editor, such as Notepad or Sublime Text. Once an HTML file has been created, it can be opened in a web browser, which reads the file and renders the web page according to the markup and styling instructions contained within it. HTML files can also be generated automatically by web development tools and content management systems, such as WordPress and Drupal. These tools allow users to create and edit web pages using a visual editor, which generates the HTML code behind the scenes.