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Le format du fichier PALM

L'extension de .palm
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DescriptionPalm format (PDB) is a file format used to store electronic books or e-books, as well as other types of data on Palm OS devices. The format was initially developed by Palm, Inc. and is based on the PalmDOC format, which is a binary document format designed for use on small devices with limited memory and processing power.
Détails techniquesPalm files have a maximum size limit of 64 kilobytes and are typically compressed to save storage space. The format uses a simple header structure that contains information about the file, such as the creator ID, modification date, and file type. The main body of the file is divided into records, which consist of a header and data section. Each record can store up to 32 kilobytes of data. Palm files can be read and edited using various software applications, including the Palm Desktop software and other third-party programs. They can also be converted to other e-book formats, such as EPUB or MOBI, using conversion tools.